Ground-Up Construction for North America’s Largest Drain Pipe Manufacturer
Project Detail
This 65,000 square-foot industrial facility was built on 18 acres and included carefully-planned manufacturing and storage facilities for North America’s largest manufacturer of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) storm water and drainage pipe.
Collaboration to Resolve Complex Funding Needs
A portion of the Advanced Drainage Systems project was funded by the state of New Jersey, which resulted in discussions around how much of the work would be union built. Initially, there was a desire by the local unions to build 100% of the project, however that made the project too cost-prohibitive. Penntex worked closely with Advanced Drainage Systems, New Jersey state representatives and the local union representatives to reach a compromise. The building would be constructed using both union and non-union subcontractors, providing the balance and target budget to allow construction to proceed.
Custom Spaces for Manufacturing Precision
The facility plans needed to accommodate the full manufacturing process, from delivery of raw materials by rail and truck through manufacturing and storage. Advance Drainage Systems’ manufacturing process included multiple steps feeding from one piece of equipment and process to the next. Throughout the project, the Penntex team worked closely with Advanced Drainage Systems’ leadership and subcontractor partners to deliver optimized spaces including:
- Installation of rail service
- Pre-cast exterior walls
- 32’ clear ceiling height
- 4,000-amp electrical service to meet the demands of equipment throughout the facility
- 8” concrete floors with isolation pads to accommodate the weight of the manufacturing equipment
Collaboration and open communication were keys to successful delivery of this manufacturing facility and Penntex was proud to work side-by-side with the Advanced Drainage Systems team to bring their vision to reality.
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- Industrial & Manufacturing
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