A Note from Penntex President Jim Hoolehan

Those of a certain age might remember the game “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon,” the challenge of finding a connection from Kevin Bacon to any Hollywood actor or actress within six connections. Around Penntex, we have a similar game, “Two Degrees of Brian Belcher,” but the path from A to B is often much shorter. It seems everyone in the construction industry in our region knows Brian, and they all have a great story to share about a time working alongside him throughout his career. He is woven into the fabric of our Penntex approach to Building Better and has always been an incredible resource, mentor and leader in the organization. Our company and the industry as a whole are better because of his contributions.
There is no question that Brian will be missed as he begins his “official” retirement in the New Year, but we are happy to share that we will still get to see him around the office from time to time. We are thrilled that Brian will have the opportunity to enjoy some much-deserved time with family, doing the things he loves. We also look forward to hearing the stories of his adventures when he visits us at his office. Brian was actually the first to move into his space at the new Penntex Philadelphia-area headquarters, an office that will remain his and be ready anytime he needs it or when he simply feels like coming back for a visit.
Please join me, and the entire Penntex team, in wishing Brian the very best as he begins his retirement. I’m grateful for the opportunity to work alongside him and for his contributions to Penntex, and I look forward to hearing about the many great experiences we know are in front of him as he enters this new chapter. Thank you, Brian!