One of the most rewarding parts of living our Building Better promise is being able to apply our team expertise and resources to support non-profit organizations making big impacts across our communities. Recently, the team was on hand in Orefield, PA to celebrate the groundbreaking of Valley Youth House’s new 5,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art recreation and education center at Camp Fowler, a camp for youth that utilizes nature’s restorative and stress-reducing benefits to provide therapeutic outdoor experiences for young people, particularly those underserved across the Lehigh Valley region.
Penntex is honored to serve as the construction management partner and a sponsor for this vital community resource that will help Camp Fowler and Valley Youth House impact continue in their critical work to support youth across the region. Our team is ready to dig in and get to work. We are grateful to our many trusted construction partners and vendors who did not hesitate in stepping up beside us to go the extra mile in their commitment of talent and resources to help ensure this new vital community resource could become a reality. Stay tuned for updates as construction gets underway.