Collaborating with a Valued Partner to Drive Efficiencies Throughout the Construction of Two Buildings on One Site
Penntex’s long-standing relationship with MRP Industrial, coupled with the team’s depth of experience building in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley region, created direct value and positive gains during construction of this two-building warehouse and distribution complex. Strategic project planning and management was guided by a close collaboration that ultimately led to solutions that created time and cost efficiencies returned to the client’s bottom line.
Knowing What to Expect from the Site and Powering Through a Particularly Wet Winter
Based on experience gained on the range of projects executed across the region, the Penntex team knew what to expect when it came to soil conditions at site – heavily clay-based, rocky and sometimes prone to sinkholes. Blasting was executed to remove the rock and the team closely monitored for potential sinkhole impacts. Soil cementing to mitigate the moisture-sensitive clay proved critical during the exceptionally wet winter when the ground was saturated with twice as much precipitation as usual.
A Strategic Cadence of Construction to Maximize the Dual Build
To maximize value and ensure delivery with the critical completion timeline, Penntex executed a phased approach to construction across the two precast structures. As key milestones were completed at the first build, that work began on the second building. Shared infrastructure, including a fire protection system with a 250,000-gallon tank to serve the entire complex, also helped drive project efficiencies.
Previous experience working with a client helps create a foundation for seamless collaboration. Penntex’s long-standing relationship with MRP and experience building in the Lehigh Valley allowed the team to drive project efficiencies at every stage of construction and paved the way for an early delivery date.
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- Warehouse & Distribution
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